Employee Safety
Reinforcing our First Operating Value — Safety
We understand our responsibility to our employees, customers and the communities we serve to reduce incidents and ensure safety. Safety is a shared responsibility among all employees, and we employ a behavior-based approach rooted in our commitment-driven Servant Leadership culture. This distinctive approach not only rewards success, it enforces accountability, holding both employees and leaders responsible for any unsafe behavior.

To complement our Servant Leadership-driven philosophy, we utilize technology-based tools to generate employee risk-profile rankings. These rankings promote clear communication and behavior-based coaching, which are monitored and evaluated. We believe this approach is key to our superior safety metrics compared to the solid waste industry average. It also explains how we have consistently managed to reduce safety incidents at newly acquired companies by over 50% within the first year of operations.
While our culture and behavior-based approach are key to our successful safety record, technology is also an important tool in identifying and addressing risky behaviors through coaching opportunities. With our $10 million fleetwide upgrade of our onboard camera systems complete, we are harnessing the technology to identify risky behavior. We actively track manager coaching effectiveness and reward employees who regularly exhibit safe behavior and live by our first Operating Value.
As a result of lower voluntary turnover and our proactive approach to parting with employees who consistently exhibit unsafe behavior, our incident rate through September 2024 is down 13% from 2022 levels, including a 7% improvement in 2023.