Management of
Sustainability Risks
& Opportunities
In addition to the Board of Directors' oversight of ESG-related progress, the Company established the Sustainability Development Working Group in 2020. This group includes senior executives, such as the President and Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Executive Vice President — Disposal and Engineering, the Vice President — Engineering and Sustainability, the Vice President — Investor Relations, and the Corporate Engineering and Sustainability Manager.
This working group meets regularly to discuss sustainability strategy, risks, opportunities, policies, targets and external disclosure, providing periodic updates to the Board of Directors.
Waste Connections' Code of Conduct and Ethics applies to all directors, officers and employees, and details Company principles to guide employee decision-making in many areas, including but not limited to:
- Conflicts of interest
- Full, fair and accurate disclosure
- Compliance with laws, rules and regulations
- Prohibited accounting practices
- Whistleblowing — reporting illegal or unethical behavior
- Fair dealing; moral and ethical standards
- Compliance and discipline
- Insider trading
- Political contributions
Human Rights
It is the responsibility of each officer, director and employee to comply with all laws, rules and regulations related to the protection and advancement of human rights, including but not limited to laws, rules and regulations governing the use of child labor, compulsory or forced labor, slavery and human trafficking, and freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Waste Connections acknowledges the rights of all employees to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, as provided for in Section 7 of National Labor Relations Act. We also have policies regarding safety, equal opportunity, nondiscrimination and fair employment. Potential human rights violations or grievances can be reported to the Company's Senior Vice President — People, Training and Development. The Human Resources Department, including the Senior Vice President — People, Training and Development, oversees monitoring and reporting of human rights performance.
Copies of our Corporate Governance Guidelines and Board Charter and our Code of Conduct and Ethics are available on our website at investors.wasteconnections.com.
A copy of these documents may also be obtained, free of charge, by writing to our secretary or Investor Relations Department at our principal administrative offices located at:
Waste Connections Inc.
3 Waterway Square Place, Suite 110
The Woodlands, Texas 77380